Athletes cycling

When a Pinched Nerve Derails Your Athletic Training

A pinched nerve in the back is painful for anyone, but for athletes it can feel like a disaster. Typical treatment starts with rest, physical therapy, and over-the-counter medication for the pain, but when you’re training, you can’t just stop and wait to get better. Having to take an unscheduled break from your regular workout routine for who knows how long can mean losing strength and flexibility.

At the same time, it can also be impossible to keep going the way you need to so you can keep up your conditioning. Pain can shoot down your leg or arm out of nowhere like an electric shock, making it impossible to focus on your performance or to train at full intensity. Trying to avoid triggering the pain limits your range of motion. And maybe you’ve learned the hard way that trying to push through the pain doesn’t work either—you just end up feeling worse and needing more rest days. You can’t even find a comfortable position to sleep at night, so the pain wakes you up. At the back of your mind is the secret fear that if you keep competing when you feel like this, you’ll cause permanent damage to your back or nerves.

It can be difficult to stick with a traditional recovery plan, though, when it doesn’t feel like it is doing much good. Rehabilitation exercises can feel slow and tedious, with progress measured in tiny steps. Even a combination of physical therapy, massages, and pain medications may feel like it isn’t resolving the issue. If what you’ve tried already hasn’t worked to your satisfaction, adding chiropractic treatment can provide more effective relief.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for a Pinched Nerve in the Back

Chiropractic care focuses on correct spinal alignment, which is critical for both function and comfort. Consulting a chiropractor when you have a pinched nerve can be helpful because treatment can help alleviate pressure on the nerve and support the body’s natural healing processes. Benefits of adding chiropractic treatment to an athlete’s recovery plan include:

ConcernBenefitHow it works
Unpredictable radiating painReducing nerve pressureChiropractic adjustments can realign the spine to relieve pressure on the pinched nerve, often reducing or eliminating radiating pain.
Limited range of motionImproving range of motionRestoring proper spinal alignment can improve joint mobility, allowing athletes to regain a greater range of motion.
Worsening pain with activityPreventing further aggravationChiropractors can provide advice on posture and biomechanics, reducing the chance of worsening the condition during training or daily activities.
Dependence on pain medication for relief of symptomsRelieving pain naturallyChiropractic adjustments can help reduce pain by addressing the root cause, rather than masking symptoms with medication.
Loss of strength and flexibility from limited activitySupporting muscle strengthChiropractors often recommend exercises that complement adjustments, helping to strengthen supporting muscles and improve flexibility.
Possibility of permanent impairmentMinimizing risk of long-term damageEarly, consistent chiropractic care can address nerve compression issues before they become chronic or lead to structural damage.
Anxiety and discouragementAddressing mental frustrationRegular chiropractic care can help provide measurable progress, boosting morale and confidence in recovery.
Slow pace of recoveryComplementing rehabilitation exercisesChiropractic adjustments can enhance the effectiveness of physical therapy by improving spinal alignment, making rehab exercises more effective.
Poor sleep quality due to painEnhancing sleep  Reducing nerve irritation and improving spinal alignment can help you find more comfortable sleeping positions and get better rest.
Lack of progress with other treatmentsProviding comprehensive reliefChiropractic care can work alongside other treatments, addressing the structural cause of the pain and offering a more comprehensive solution.

Chiropractic care works best as part of a holistic approach that includes rest, physical therapy, and strength conditioning. However, adding chiropractic treatment to this regimen can not only promote recovery, but also prevent future spinal issues through maintaining proper alignment and correcting posture to keep the back healthy during athletic activity.

Gentle Chiropractic Care for Athletes in Orange Hills

If pain from a pinched nerve is sidelining you from the sport you love, Divine Spine can help. Our gentle, computerized chiropractic treatment method delivers precisely targeted adjustments exactly where they are needed to correct the underlying problem safely and comfortably. With in-house X-rays, we can get started on creating your individualized treatment plan immediately, combining adjustments with lifestyle plans that include exercises and stretches to support your gains and keep you pain-free. To schedule your free initial consultation at our Orange Hills office, contact us here.

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